Retrieves a list of volumes and issues published on J-STAGE.
pubyearfrom = NA,
pubyearto = NA,
material = "",
issn = "",
cdjournal = "",
volorder = NA,
lang = "ja"
- pubyearfrom
An integer specifying the starting publication year (in YYYY format).
- pubyearto
An integer specifying the ending publication year (in YYYY format).
- material
A character string specifying the material name (exact match search).
- issn
A character string specifying the ISSN (exact match search in XXXX-XXXX format).
- cdjournal
A character string specifying the journal code.
- volorder
An integer specifying the order of volumes: 1 for ascending, 2 for descending (default is 1).
- lang
A character string specifying the language for column names: "ja" for Japanese (default is "ja").